
Access at Dragon Con


September 4, 2015 – 10:00 a.m. to September 7, 2015 – 5:00 p.m.
Atlanta, Georgia

Access (Accessnow.org) is excited to attend Dragon Con beginning next week in Atlanta! If you are not familiar, Dragon Con is an enormous, multigenre fan convention that celebrates creativity, science fiction, and fantasy.

Early on, convention organizers recognized that defending human rights in the digital space is important to the community that attends Dragon Con. Those rights include the freedom of opinion and expression, freedom of association, access to information, and the right to privacy. This is the first year for Access at Dragon Con, and we’re looking forward to meeting you. You can find us any time at our fan booth in the Hilton Hotel, on the same level as the sky bridge to the Marriott, right next to the Electronic Frontier Foundation. The booth will be run by me, Access Senior Legislative Manager/aspiring Jon Connington/Captain Mal Reynolds/Sterling Archer. Additionally, our U.S. Policy Manager, Amie Stepanovich/Amy Pond/Harley Quinn/Rogue, will be helping out and participating in no fewer than six panels as part of the Electronic Frontiers Forum track. Come say hello and take a selfie with us.

Here’s the full schedule for the Electronic Frontiers Forum. You can see Amie speaking in the panels listed below:

Friday, September 4, 2015

11:30 a.m. – Year of the Data Breach

Sony, Anthem, Home Depot, OPM, and many others. What’s up with corporate information security these days? Why are so many companies getting hacked?

Blair B. Chintella (moderator), Amie Stepanovich, Tim Farley, Josh Ruppe, Chris Grayson

Hilton Room 201

1:00 p.m. – Women in Science and Tech Careers

A frank conversation on the issues women face in technology and science careers and what we can all do about it.

Dr. Pamela L. Gay (moderator), Elonka Dunin, Kim Steadman, Pamela O. Vickers, Veronica Belmont, Adrianne McDonald, Amie Stepanovich, Romily Hilton Crystal Ballroom

2:30 p.m. – Journalism in the Post Snowden Era

What additional challenges do journalists face in an era of pervasive government surveillance? How does whistleblowing change? Are journalists learning how to use PGP as a result?

Blair B. Chintella (moderator), Dave Maass, Amie Stepanovich, K’Tetch

Hilton Room 201

Saturday, September 5, 2015

4:00 p.m. – PGP 101 and Other Surveillance Protection Tools

PGP/GPG and other encryption tools can protect you from surveillance. Which ones are worth having, which are just hype, and which may be breaking their promises to you? We will also go over the basics of how to use PGP/GPG.

Nadia Kayyali (moderator), Randal L. Schwartz, Amie Stepanovich, Gordon L. Hall

Hilton Room 201

Monday, September 7, 2015

10:00 a.m. – Security and Legal Issues of IOT (Internet of Things)

The so-called Internet of Things (connecting real-world devices to the Internet) faces legal and security issues that are just now being tested. Amie Stepanovich, Kit Walsh (moderator), Geoff Termorshuizen Hilton Room 201 1: 00 p.m. – Domestic Surveillance and Mandated Crypto Backdoors An update on the latest surveillance revelations from Edward Snowden and elsewhere, as well as the FBI’s efforts to restart the crypto wars.

Blair B. Chintella, Nadia Kayyali (moderator), Amie Stepanovich, Geoff Termorshuizen

Hilton Room 201

1:00 p.m. – Domestic Surveillance and Mandated Crypto Backdoors

An update on the latest surveillance revelations from Edward Snowden and elsewhere, as well as the FBI’s efforts to restart the crypto wars.

Blair B. Chintella, Nadia Kayyali (moderator), Amie Stepanovich, Geoff Termorshuizen

Hilton Room 201

Photo credit: sjmck