Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence and human rights

The use and abuse of AI and automated decision-making can not only facilitate human rights violations and exacerbate existing societal power imbalances, but also open new risks, disproportionately affecting marginalized people and communities. AI design, development, and deployment must respect human rights. We urge governments and companies to follow binding, enforceable legal frameworks rooted in human rights law and principles, not voluntary or self-regulatory ethics-based approaches.

Mapping the risks of emerging biometric and AI technology

Bodily harms: how AI and biometrics curtail human rights

This report explores how AI is driving the adoption of ableist technologies that marginalize anyone who doesn’t fit into their definition of a “normal” body.

risks of the emerging AI and biometrics tech


AI Act

Artificial Intelligence

The EU AI Act proposal: a timeline

A summary of our proposed amendments to the draft EU AI Act and a timeline of our related commentary and recommendations.

ITFlows artificial intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

The EU AI Act: How to (truly) protect people on the move

The EU AI Act is supposed to protect the rights of everyone impacted by AI systems. But it ignores the systems impacting people on the move. Here are three steps policymakers can take to fix that problem.

ITFlows artificial intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

The EU needs an Artificial Intelligence Act that protects fundamental rights

Access Now and over 110 civil society organisations have laid out proposals to make sure the European Union’s Artificial Intelligence Act addresses the real-world impacts of the use of artificial intelligence.

Algorithmic accountability

Artificial Intelligence

The EU should regulate AI on the basis of rights, not risks

Artificial intelligence and automated decision-making systems threaten our fundamental rights. Yet the EU is considering an approach to AI regulation that would substitute rights-based protections for a mere risk mitigation exercise by corporations with a vested interest in these systems. Here’s why that’s a grave mistake.


Algorithmic accountability

Artificial Intelligence

What you need to know about generative AI and human rights

Generative AI has been all over the headlines. But what are the human rights implications? Get the facts in our generative AI FAQ.


Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence: what are the issues for digital rights?

You may have a basic understanding of what AI is. But are you familiar with the issues it raises for your fundamental rights?


Artificial Intelligence

Fighting systemic racism in the digital age: a global challenge

On Human Rights Day of 2020, we highlight the mandate of E. Tendayi Achiume, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance to fight systematic racism.

Myanmar CCTV camera

Digital Security

Track and target: FAQ on Myanmar CCTV cameras and facial recognition

The military junta in Myanmar is rolling out China-made CCTV cameras with facial recognition capabilities to intensify surveillance against the people.


Artificial Intelligence

Computers are binary, people are not: how AI systems undermine LGBTQ identity

Most of us interact with some sort of Artificial Intelligence (AI) system several times a day, whether it’s using the predictive text function on our phones or applying a selfie

Algorithmic accountability

Artificial Intelligence

Algorithmic decision-making in the U.S. needs accountability

Access Now endorses the Algorithmic Accountability Act of 2022, which will help combat algorithmic discrimination in defense of human rights.

Reconocimiento facial

Artificial Intelligence

Instead of banning facial recognition, some governments in Latin America want to make it official

Buenos Aires, Brasilia, and Uruguay are pushing for use of facial recognition systems for “public security,” seeking to authorize the invasive and harmful use of mass surveillance tools. Civil society must fight back.

Latest Updates

Bodily harms: how AI and biometrics curtail human rights PR header
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence

AI ‘resurrects’ long dead dictator in murky era of deepfake electioneering

11 Feb 2024
AI ‘resurrects’ long dead dictator in murky era of deepfake electioneering
11 Feb 2024
AI ‘resurrects’ long dead dictator in murky era of deepfake electioneering
Mapping the risks of emerging biometric and AI technology
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence

London underground is testing real-time AI surveillance tools to spot crime

8 Feb 2024
London underground is testing real-time AI surveillance tools to spot crime
8 Feb 2024
London underground is testing real-time AI surveillance tools to spot crime
Bodily harms: how AI and biometrics curtail human rights PR header
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence

EU set to allow draconian use of facial recognition tech, say lawmakers

16 Jan 2024
EU set to allow draconian use of facial recognition tech, say lawmakers
Politico ↗
16 Jan 2024
EU set to allow draconian use of facial recognition tech, say lawmakers
Cambodia July 23 Elections
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence

Are social media platforms ready for record elections in 2024?

11 Jan 2024
Are social media platforms ready for record elections in 2024?
Reuters ↗
11 Jan 2024
Are social media platforms ready for record elections in 2024?
Mapping the risks of emerging biometric and AI technology
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence

Deepfakes set to deceive voters in India ahead of national elections

3 Jan 2024
Deepfakes set to deceive voters in India ahead of national elections
Reuters ↗
3 Jan 2024
Deepfakes set to deceive voters in India ahead of national elections
Algorithmic accountability
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence: four debates to expect in 2024

31 Dec 2023
Artificial intelligence: four debates to expect in 2024
Deutsche Welle ↗
31 Dec 2023
Artificial intelligence: four debates to expect in 2024
AI Act
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence

Human rights protections…with exceptions: what’s (not) in the EU’s AI Act deal

14 Dec 2023

The E.U. just agreed to (not quite a) deal on the AI Act. But what’s in it? What’s missing? And what happens now?

Human rights protections…with exceptions: what’s (not) in the EU’s AI Act deal
14 Dec 2023
Human rights protections…with exceptions: what’s (not) in the EU’s AI Act deal
Watermark and generative AI
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence

Why the AI Act was so hard to pass

13 Dec 2023
Why the AI Act was so hard to pass
The Verge ↗
13 Dec 2023
Why the AI Act was so hard to pass
Mapping the risks of emerging biometric and AI technology
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence

E.U. reaches deal on world’s first comprehensive AI rules

11 Dec 2023
E.U. reaches deal on world’s first comprehensive AI rules
11 Dec 2023
E.U. reaches deal on world’s first comprehensive AI rules
Watermark and generative AI
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence

How to protect black and brown lives in the age of AI?

11 Dec 2023
How to protect black and brown lives in the age of AI?
Newsweek ↗
11 Dec 2023
How to protect black and brown lives in the age of AI?
digital ceasefire gaza
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence

The Gospel: Israel turns to a new AI system in the Gaza war

9 Dec 2023
The Gospel: Israel turns to a new AI system in the Gaza war
Al Jazeera ↗
9 Dec 2023
The Gospel: Israel turns to a new AI system in the Gaza war
Mapping the risks of emerging biometric and AI technology
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence

The EU just passed sweeping new rules to regulate AI

8 Dec 2023
The EU just passed sweeping new rules to regulate AI
8 Dec 2023
The EU just passed sweeping new rules to regulate AI
Human Rights 75 Pledges
Freedom of Expression
Freedom of Expression

Human Rights 75 pledges and vision on the future of human rights

8 Dec 2023

Access Now welcomes this opportunity to provide relevant information to the United Nations (UN) Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights to inform the High Commissioner’s Vision on the Future of Human Rights in the framework of the Human Rights 75 Initiative.

Press Release
Human Rights 75 pledges and vision on the future of human rights
8 Dec 2023
Human Rights 75 pledges and vision on the future of human rights
Mapping the risks of emerging biometric and AI technology
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence

Europe reaches deal on world’s first comprehensive AI rules

8 Dec 2023
Europe reaches deal on world’s first comprehensive AI rules
Washington Post ↗
8 Dec 2023
Europe reaches deal on world’s first comprehensive AI rules
Watermark and generative AI
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence

EU’s AI talks sputter over intrusive security loopholes

7 Dec 2023
EU’s AI talks sputter over intrusive security loopholes
Politico ↗
7 Dec 2023
EU’s AI talks sputter over intrusive security loopholes
surveillance tech at the EU borders

Civil society joint statement: Europe’s (digital) borders must fall

4 Dec 2023

Civil society is calling for an end to the expansion of EURODAC, the EU database for the registration of asxylum-seekers. EURODAC is being transformed into an expansive, violent surveillance tool that will treat people seeking protection as crime suspects.

Press Release
Civil society joint statement: Europe’s (digital) borders must fall
4 Dec 2023
Civil society joint statement: Europe’s (digital) borders must fall